Modi govt calls for restraint to defuse tensions with Pakistan


Modi govt calls for restraint to defuse tensions with Pakistan

The Narendra Modi government has decided to ratchet down the rising temperature in India-Pakistan relations due to aggressive rhetoric by both sides in the wake of Indian Army's raid on camps of northeastern militants in Myanmar. 

Sources said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has cautioned his ministerial colleagues against harping on the suggestion that the cross-border raid can be replicated against the terror groups hosted by Pakistan. 

According to sources, the ministers are expected to scale down the rhetoric in the coming days. 

Officials feel that amplifying the intent to pre-empt terror groups can serve little purpose once the message has gone loud and clear that India was not going to suffer terrorists silently and that it retains the capacity and willingness not just to retaliate but also to "disable and degrade" threats before they ripen. 

Sources said that India under Modi regime has already upped its act, reacting disproportionately to provocations from terror groups based in Pakistan which are backed by the army there. In the month of January ,Indian troops reacted with double the force to shelling from Pakistan side forcing a truce in the area. 

"Two bullets or even a mortar for each bullet that is fired at us has been promulgated as the official tactical position on the entire western border", said a senior functionary familiar with the strategy.